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Microway acts as an independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) of the hardware Product.


 As an organization which is technically and managerially separate from the organization responsible for developing the product Microway provides an external oversight of the developer’s V&V activities avoiding conflict of interest.


Through independent analysis, evaluation and assessment Microway assures:


· That the V&V approach conforms to programmatic standards and practices, particularly for the hardware elements deemed safety critical


· That all the embedded software and Airborne Electronic Hardware (AEH) requirements, design and tests are reviewed at the various hierarchical levels of development


· That end-to-end bi-directional trace from high level requirements via design data to code is correct and complete


· that bi-directional trace between the various levels of requirements and the corresponding tests is complete


· This evaluation will consist in several spot checks of end-to-end traceability threads to confirm the correctness and completeness of the traces.


· In addition Microway will confirm the existence of engineering reviews of software and AEH requirements, will review the verification coverage analysis, design data and associated tests.


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Lockheed CP-140 Aurora Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft (LRPA)


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