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Microway Systems Inc. specializes in state-of-the-art technical domains since 1984. Our main activities cover research, development and consulting services.


Over the years, Microway developed several highly technical products and performed numerous consulting mandates. Our goal is to maintain the delicate balance between product development and consulting services.


The product development provides the hands-on experience and knowledge required to optimize the quality of our consulting services.


Microway personal have over 100th of years of RTCA/DO-178B, RTCA/DO-178C, RTCA/DO-278 and RTCA/DO-254. Microway CEO is an independent TCCA Design Approved Representative.


Microway systems inc. offers the following services:


· Training seminars on RTCA/DO-178B, RTCA/DO-178C, RTCA/DO-278 and RTCA/DO-254 standards.

· Gap analyses

· Independent Verification and validation (IV&V)

· On the job coaching



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